Here are seven handy techniques with which to enrich your writing. Used sparingly, they can be very effective at bringing a piece to life.
Read More7 useful literary techniques

Writer Resource
Here are seven handy techniques with which to enrich your writing. Used sparingly, they can be very effective at bringing a piece to life.
Read MoreI’ve provided this (a) as an example of how a manual should be set out and (b) in case you just happen to have a working Atari with this software on it!
Read MoreWhere do authors’ ideas come from? Even Stephen King finds that a difficult question to answer. One possible answer might be ‘Everything they see on their travels’, because as Roland Barthes once suggested, writers are never truly on holiday…
Read MorePhoto from lucasbieri. Licence: CCO
I was faced with a conundrum: should I write a Preface to the 3rd Edition, a Foreword to the 3rd Edition, or just stuff it all into the Introduction and be done with it?
Read MoreRoy Peter Clark describes and analyses fifty five strategies for writers.
Read MoreFiling my writing ideas
Author Anne Tyler has a good solution to the question of how to store your writing ideas.
Read MoreThis book not only contains a huge sampling of both prose and poetry, but places them into an historical context.
Read MoreDreyer’s English is a great, irreverent, guide to English grammar and usage. It’s ideal for writers, and I’ll be running a prize draw for subscribers to Terry Freedman’s Books Bulletin.
Read MoreUPDATED! This book, which has received 19 five star reviews on Amazon, is available for just 49 pence for one week only. Read on to find out how to obtain the discount.
Read MoreQuery letters that worked
This is an interesting book whose title under-promises and over-delivers.
Read MorePhoto from lucasbieri. Licence: CCO
Do you know the difference between a Foreword, a Preface and an Introduction? I didn't either until I found an excellent article on the web.
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